
Prikaz objav, dodanih na september, 2012

Tečaj kaligrafije

Spet pričenjam z delavnicami. Že dolgo nisem in se že kar veselim. Tokrat bo na sporedu gotica tekstura, potek pa kot vedno: najprej pisava, potem izdelki. :-) Dogajanje bo štiri zaporedne četrtke, v prostorih Strelišča na Dolenjski cesti v Ljubljani, začnemo 4. oktobra ob 18. uri. Več informacij: http://www.ustvarjalnisvet.si/ustvarjalne-delavnice/ljubljana/tecaj-kaligrafije Se vidimo!


The worst nightmares I have are ones when I dream about waking up. I think I am in my own bedroom, and it looks like my bedroom, just for one tiny detail … like a big spider hanging from a ceiling or a blond woman sitting on my bed watching me with concern.  Then I wake up again, screaming … and I remember everything. Usually I don't remember my nightmares, perhaps just a sense of fear, or not even that, just that I dreamt about something bad or strange in a detached way, as if it was not me dreaming. This painting is a combination of an art nouveau relief of a woman's face among foliage and a nightmare I had years ago, while sleeping in my gran's house, which at dusk became scarier and scarier until I used to stare into the darkness until I was too tired to stare. The house still makes my imagination run wild in a strange way, only I don't sleep there anymore. I opened my eyes into a dark room to see a woman's face in shades of grey hovering above mine. T