
Prikaz objav, dodanih na junij, 2016


Imperia - tomorow - the sea and everything. vir / source Imperia - jutri - morje in vse ostalo.

The Cat's Table by Michael Ondaatje

The Cat's Table is a story about Michael, an eleven-year-old boy who embarks on a journey from Colombo to London where he will join his mother. On the ship, Oronsay, he shares his meals with a group of strange and unusual grown-ups as well as two boys his age, Cassius and Rahmadin. They are placed at the cat's table, the one farthest away from the captain. Michael, Cassius and Rahmadin roam the ship and all sorts of interesting things happen to them. A ship is a place of isolation in the middle of the ocean's infinity. Sometimes it seems that traveling doesn't belong to the same world as the outside. During the voyage through the Suez Canal Michael and Cassius observe fragments of the outside world as if they weren't a part of it. And they weren't. Their three-week journey is sort of a prallel universe. No matter how long the voyage is, it shrinks into a single moment, a point in time, a crack between Colombo and London, a moment full of possibilities. ...

Graffiti Poetry 2

Takole. Sledi drugi del grafiti poezije. Vsi, ki imajo vpogled v mojo torbico (poleg mene je to v resnici samo še M) vedo, da se skoraj ne premaknem nikamor brez zvezka in svinčnika. Grafite, ki se mi ujamejo v pogled si prepisujem s sten. Zapisani so v kronološkem vrstnem redu, lokacija niti ni pomembna. Dva sta z zvočne bariere onkraj avtoceste Koseze - Brdo, večina pa jih je iz podvoza na Erjavčevi cesti v Ljubljani, ko sva se nekega nedeljskega popoldneva sprehodila proti mestu. Tudi takrat je bilo približno toliko ljudi, kot jih je na spodnji fotografiji. Bog ve, če niso bili isti. :-) Meje zastirajo poglede V zdravem telesu zdrav duh Refugees welcome Solidarnost, ne strah All men are dangerous Chuck Norris majka Follow the white rabbit Grafiti so večinoma tukaj. No, ne takrat, ampak zdaj. (Foto: Vilijem Zupanc, vir )

The Fencing Master by Arturo Pérez - Reverte

The Fencing Master is a historical novel set in the 19th century Spain. Don Jaime Astarloa, the fencing master lives his everyday life teaching fencing to the sons of wealthy families. He isn't much interested in revolutionary events going on in Madrid, until one day a note summons him to the home of a mysterious woman wishing to learn Don Jaime's secret "two hundred Escudo" thrust. At first he declines but later changes his mind. What follows profoundly changes his peaceful existence. Don Jaime is fascinated by Adela de Otero, her fencing ability and her mystery. However, I didn't find her easy to like. I didn't quite know why, until she was described as having something cruel in her eye at one moment during fencing. I realized there was a cruel undercurrent about her, something intangible, but present all the time. I rather liked Don Jaime. There's something nostalgic about him, an older man in his fifties with lean figure and white hair, as...

Joan Miró, Poet barv

Razstava grafik Joana Mirója je del projekta Velikani svetovne umetnosti na Lendavskem gradu. Prestavi nas v Mirójev svet, ki ni enoznačen. Je večplasten in mnogopomenski, čuten in poln asociacij, na robu med stvarnim in nadrealnim. Razstavljene so litografije od sredine 50-let dvajsetega stoletja pa do avtorjeve smrti leta 1983. Za Mirója je umetnost raziskovalni proces. Sam je povedal: "Ko stojim pred platnom, nikoli ne vem kaj bom naredil; zato nad tem kar nastane, ne more biti nihče bolj presenečen kot jaz." Raziskoval je različna sredstva, ni pa se usmeril v popolno abstrakcijo. Njegov stil je bil radikalen in inovativen. Razstavljene grafike odražajo natančnost in spontanost pri uporabi linij in polivanju barv.  Njegove slike v meni vedno nekaj premaknejo. Ne vem kaj točno to je in niti ni pomembno, saj vem, da bo ob svojem času padlo na pravo mesto. Nekaj nežnega je, čustvenega, od nekod znotraj in globoko spodaj. V njegovih motivih sonca, lune, zvezd čut...