Abstracting a Moth
What happens if I abstract a moth? I'm not interested in literal depiction of things from the visible world. I want to reshape the moth, to deconstruct it into colours and shapes only resembling the moth. By abstracting it only a whisper of a moth is left. Perhaps in doing so I would take away the scariness it evokes in me and all the moth dreams of my childhood I still remember. It's not a moth anymore, not really. It's just colour on paper after the water evapora ted, taking away scariness and dreams, and i t's beautiful. * Kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi abstrahirala veščo. Ne zanima me upodabljanje stvari iz resničnega sveta, take kot so. Rada bi preoblikovala vešč, jo zreducirala na barve in oblike, ki samo spominjajo nanjo, da bi ostal samo še odmev vešče. Morda bi tako lahko izničila vso strašljivost, ki jo vešče vzbujajo v meni in vse moje otroške sanje, v katerih so se pojavljale in se jih še vedno spominjam. Ni več vešče, ne zares. Samo b