
Prikaz objav, dodanih na avgust, 2017

In the Moonlight

In the moonlight, The colour and scent of wisteria Seems far away. Yosa Buson

In the Twillight Rain

In the twillight rain these briliant - hued hibiscus - a lovely sunset. Matsuo Basho

A Lightning Flash

A lightning flash - Between the forest trees I have seen water. Masaoka Shiki

Summer Grasses

Summer grasses - all that remains of the warrior's dreams. Matsuo Basho

Autumn Moonlight

Autumn moonlight - a worm digs silently into the chestnut. Matsuo Basho

Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

Before reading this book I read Farewell My Lovely by Raymond Chandler and The Castle by Franz Kafka. It was the first time I prepared for a book and I must say it paid off. Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World consists of two alternating storylines. Hard-boiled Wonderland resembles a piece of hard-boiled crime fiction regarding writing style as well as content. The main character is an information expert of sorts, hired to process and shuffle information for a mysterious old man. There's an old man's sexy granddaughter, underground passage and dangerous beings living under ground, named the INKlings. The story evolves into a mystery involving a unicorn scull, a librarian and two unsentimental thugs.  The End of the World is written differently, it's lyrical, peaceful and it echoes melancholy and painful loss. An unnamed narrator arrives to a town surrounded by the wall. His shadow is cut away from him by the Gatekeeper, who explains that his func

Kandinski ali pogled skozi okno

V času (kako fin, nedefiniran pojem), ko sem pisala miagistrsko nalogo, sem skozi okno pisarne, ki gleda na Nebotičnik, velikokrat videla Vasilija Kandinskega. No, ne ravno njega, bil pa je to gospod, ki mu je neverjetno podoben. Vsake toliko je prišel mimo Nebotičnika s svetlolaso gospo pod roko, ki pa ni nikakor podobna Nini Nikolajevni. Pojavljal se je približno takrat, ko se mi je pisanje ustavilo ali ko sem dobila kakšno noro idejo. Vraževerni bi temu rekli vzpodbuda ali potrditev. Meni se zdi samo zanimivo. Recimo, da sem ravno razmišljala o interpretaciji poliptiha, ko se je Vasilij počasi sprehodil mimo, za seboj pa je vlekel črn kovček, kot tisti, ki so nam jih nekoč dovolili nositi na letalo kot osebno prtljago. Ne vem kaj sedaj dovolijo, če sploh kaj. Drugič je z enakim tempom sprehoda nosil aktovko. Potem sem nalogo napisala in se nekaj časa ni pojavil. No, morda pa samo nisem ob pravem času pogledala skozi okno. Prejšnji teden sem se spet ozrla skozi okno. Vasilij se je

The Discovery of Slowness by Sten Nadolny

The Discovery of Slowness in a biographical novel about a British naval officer Sir John Franklin and through his life, a reflection on slowness. John Franklin is probably the most famous for his last voyage into the Arctic, when his ships, the Erebus and the Terror, as well as the entire crew, were lost. At the beginning of the book we learn about young John being very slow. He isn't able to play ball with other children, because the ball is too fast and he can't catch it. Instead he holds the rope. He can do it well. He's able to stand in one place for quite a long time. Even though his piers tease and bully him because of his slowness, he refuses to conform to their ways. Instead he studies hard, reads a lot and thinks. He even starts formulating possible answers in his head, he collects useful phrases, which he writes down in a notebook, and he keeps asking people to repeat their questions. In the end he manages to turn his weakness into an advantage. What Fr