
Prikaz objav, dodanih na junij, 2015

Tramontana And Other Winds

I'm still inspired by the Adriatic, its islands and blue water. After the painters from previous post left, some of us stayed on Rab for a couple of more days, in my case only two. I painted another abstract calligraphic wind. Actually, it didn't have a title or specific content at the time. I used to be inspired by words and texts, but I'm not anymore. I just let ideas flow, they don't have to mean anything. The meaning usually arrives latter. Tramontana was one of those nameless paintings, painted almost out of nothing. If I thought about anything, it was playing with glazes in the background. I used to invent elaborate titles to my paintings, they usually spoke to me alone and were connected to the text which inspired me to paint in the first place. Not anymore. I don't think about titles. While painting Tramontana, I sat with J under the trees from the previous post. She said the painting looked like wind, like tramontana leaving silvery trails.  Tramon

Rab In Blue

Last week I went to Rab island, Croatia to paint with my Croatian and Slovenian fellow painters from Arthouse, College Of Visual Arts. Subject was Rab in blue, but it was soon decided we didn't need any set subject. All the same, our paintings were mostly blue, since blue was everywhere. ;-) We stayed at a former Trbovlje Coalmine holiday home, converted into apatrments Tri Krasne in Mali Palit near the city of Rab. In summer like weather and great company we painted under the trees with occasional mosquito visiting. Our hostess Nada Debelić and her family totally spoilt us, so I can't wait to repeat this work / holiday experience next year. Prejšnji teden sem bila na Rabu, na likovni koloniji s kolegi slikarji iz Hrvaške in Slovenije ki tako ali drugače študiramo na Arthousu. Sprva je bila tema Rab v modrem, ki pa je bila pozneje preklicana. Sicer pa, kdo pa potrebuje temo? Kljub temu so bile naše slike večinoma modre, saj je bila modrina povsod. Nastanjeni smo

Spread Through Me, Cleanse My Eyes

"Come over me, proud Light, fierce Light, burn deep, Ferocious Light, spread through me, cleanse my eyes." Lázsló Moholy - Nagy Last year it was orange, this year it's red. I bought red All Stars, red trousers, red lipstick and red nail polish. Nail polish isn't new though, I bought it a couple of years ago and only wore it three or four times.  When I paint, I usually choose blue. I like reading about ice, polar exploration, darkness above the polar circle. But blue isn't only about cold. It's fresh, deep and open to thought. Ages ago it was percieved as a warm colour. I like to combine blue with green to give it something more, another feeling, a hint of warmth beaneath the ice. However, lately I want colour to shine, to blind my eyes, melt the bluish ice ... So one day, I grabbed red and painted red lacy background over light yelow. At first it screamed at me, than I got sort of used to it (I never will completely, I know this) and it&#