Spread Through Me, Cleanse My Eyes

"Come over me, proud Light, fierce Light, burn deep, Ferocious Light, spread through me, cleanse my eyes."
Lázsló Moholy - Nagy

Last year it was orange, this year it's red. I bought red All Stars, red trousers, red lipstick and red nail polish. Nail polish isn't new though, I bought it a couple of years ago and only wore it three or four times. 

When I paint, I usually choose blue. I like reading about ice, polar exploration, darkness above the polar circle. But blue isn't only about cold. It's fresh, deep and open to thought. Ages ago it was percieved as a warm colour. I like to combine blue with green to give it something more, another feeling, a hint of warmth beaneath the ice. However, lately I want colour to shine, to blind my eyes, melt the bluish ice ... So one day, I grabbed red and painted red lacy background over light yelow. At first it screamed at me, than I got sort of used to it (I never will completely, I know this) and it's voice became deeper, softer and infinitely more seductive. I like the way its spreads thtough me, cleanses my eyes... in the words of Lázsló Moholy - Nagy.


Lansko leto je bila oranžna, letos je rdeča. Kupila sem rdeče All starke, rdeče hlače, rdečo šminko in rdeč lak za nohte. OK, lahk za nohte ni nov. Kupila sem ga pred leti, za neko priložnost, vendar sem ga nosila samo trikrat ali štirikrat.

Ko slikam, največkrat izberem modro. Rada berem o ledu, polarnih odpravah, temi nad polarnim krogom. Kljub temu pa modra ni samo led. Sveža je in globoka, odprta razmišljanju. Pred davnimi leti so jo prištevali med tople barve. Rada jo kombiniram z zeleno, da modari dam nekaj več, neko drugo čustvo, kot da bi hotela namigovati na toploto pod večnim ledom. Zadnje čase hočem barvo, ki sije, mi slepi oči, topi modrikast led. Tako sem nekega dne zgrabila rdečo in naslikala čipkasto podlago preko svetlo rumene. Sprva je rdeča kričala vame, vendar sem se je do neke mere navadila (v resnici se je nikoli ne bom, ne zares), potem se je njen glas zmehčas, postal globlji, zapeljivejši. Všeč mi je kako me preplavi, mi prečisti oči, če si izposodim besede Lázsla Moholyja - Nagya.


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