
Prikaz objav, dodanih na oktober, 2015

Insertion WIP

Ropes or diamonds? What's it gonna be? Vrvi ali rombi?

All the World's Futures

Ne vem kaj je z mano in beneškim Bienalom, ampak letos je, tako kot pred dvema letoma, deževalo. Nekaj dni prej sem na glas razmišljala, da bi rada doživela poplavljene Benetke. Dan pred odhodom pa nam je Šola poslala obvestilo, da se pričakuje dvig vode in da naj se primerno obujemo. Poletna obutev torej ne pride v poštev, je bilo dopisano. Na koncu nisem doživela poplave, saj se morje dvigne le v starem mestnem jedru, na Markovem trgu in še posebej okoli cerkve svetega Marka, ki je najnižja točka Benetk. Nisem preverila kako je z vodo, raje sem se ukvarjala s svetovnimi prihodnostmi. Okwui Enwezor si je letošnji bienale zamislil pod naslovom Vse prihodnosti sveta, vendar to ni enotna tema,  pod katero naj umetniki umestijo svoje prispevke. Vse prihodnosti sveta naj bi razumeli kot prepletajoče se filtre, ki prekrivajo drug drugega. Kustos se je osredotočil na pretrese, ki po stoti obletnici začetka prve svetovne vojne in sedemdeseti obletnici konca druge, preplavljajo svet. O

Prologue to Insertion

Rab Island, Croatia. I sit under a tree minding my own business. I paint and grind my teeth, hating cobalt blue. Other artists comment upon their own paintings or they just paint. He stops behind my back, observing what I do. "I wonder what you would do if I gave you my painting to finish," he says. "I would really like to know what your intervention would be." Intervention ... that's the word he uses. "Let's try and find out," I say between the brush strokes. I'm game if you are, I think but don't say it out loud. Nothing happens for a couple of months, and then he e-mails me: "I've completed my part, it's your turn if you still want to give it a try." He sends me a definition of a term Insertion (which is also a title of this piece) from an English - English dictionary. This is it: insertion - in•ser•tion- (ɪnˈsɜr ʃən) noun 1. the act of inserting: the insertion of a coin in a vending machine. 2.something ins

The Swan Thieves

Source / vir The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova is a book about art, impressionism, obsession, insanity and revenge. Why would an artist take a knife to a painting? Because of revenge and obsession. He isn't obsessed with a painting though, but with another artist, long dead, and a story, that happened long ago but apparently never died. Following the attack on a painting, Robert Oliver is taken to a mental hospital, where he refuses to speak. He paints and he paints obsessively. It is always a potrtrait of the same unknown woman. Since Oliver chose not no speak, it is up to his therapist dr. Andrew Marlow, to find out the story behind Oliver's obsession and his silence. So he travels and he talks to people form Robert's past. In the end it takes an amount of luck and some detective work to understand what went wrong, who wronged whom, who stole the swans and why. There's a lot of talk about impressionism. Part of the story takes place in France when impress