Prologue to Insertion

Rab Island, Croatia. I sit under a tree minding my own business. I paint and grind my teeth, hating cobalt blue. Other artists comment upon their own paintings or they just paint. He stops behind my back, observing what I do. "I wonder what you would do if I gave you my painting to finish," he says. "I would really like to know what your intervention would be." Intervention ... that's the word he uses. "Let's try and find out," I say between the brush strokes. I'm game if you are, I think but don't say it out loud.

Nothing happens for a couple of months, and then he e-mails me: "I've completed my part, it's your turn if you still want to give it a try." He sends me a definition of a term Insertion (which is also a title of this piece) from an English - English dictionary. This is it:

insertion - in•ser•tion- (ɪnˈsɜr ʃən)

1. the act of inserting: the insertion of a coin in a vending machine.

2.something inserted: an insertion in the middle of a paragraph.

3. Botany, Zoology.
a.    the manner or place of attachment, as of an organ.
b.    attachment of a part or organ, with special reference to the site ormanner of such

4. lace, embroidery, or the like, to be sewn at each edge between partsof other material.

5. Aerospace. injection (def 6).

Origin of in•ser•tion
Late Latin: 1570-80; < Late Latin insertiōn- (stem of insertiō).


Rab, Hrvaška. Sedim pod drevesom, slikam in se brigam zase. Škripljem z zobmi in bentim čez kobalt modro. Ne maram je posebno. Drugi slikajo ali komentirajo slike ali čvekajo kar tako. Žurka in druženje. Ustavi se mi za hrbtom in opazuje kaj počnem. "Morava nekaj skupaj narediti," reče. "Me prav zanima kakšna bi bila tvoja intervencija." Intervencija ... prav to besedo je uporabil. "Dajva poskusit," rečem med potezami čopiča. Jaz sem za, če si ti, si mislim, vendar tega ne rečem na glas. 

Nekaj mesecev se nič ne zgodi, potem mi napiše mail. "Svoj del sem opravil, zdaj si na vrsti ti, če si še za." Pošlje mi definicijo pojma insertion (vrivek, vstavek) iz angleško-angleškega slovarja, ki je na tem mestu ne bom prevajala. 

Itak, da sem za.


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