
Prikaz objav, dodanih na julij, 2016

The Hours by Michael Cunningham

Michael Cunningham's The Hours is a book about a book. The main lead is Virgina Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and the three women the book connects. In present day New York Clarissa Vaughn is throwing a party for her friend Richard, who years ago nicknamed her Mrs. Dalloway. In 1940's suburban Los Angeles, Laura Brown feels trapped trying to be the perfect wife and mother, reading Mrs. Dalloway. And there's Virginia Woolf herself, around the time she was writing Mrs. Dalloway.  There are a lot of common themes in all three stories. For me the most powerful was escape from reality. All three women experience some sort of escape from reality. Laura drives to a hotel, to spend a few hours in a turquoise room, just reading Mrs. Dalloway, trying to escape her suffocating everyday life. No matter how much she wants to do the right thing, to be a perfect wife and mother, in her own eyes she fails. She can't even bake a perfect cake for her husband's birthday. All she

Posebni stolček za "posebne" ljudi

Menda slika pove več kot tisoč besed.

Atelje Terra

V prejšnji objavi sem zapisala vtis z razstave lanskega simpozija skulpture Terra. Vedela sem, da se vse dogaja v nekdanji opekarni, kjer so prvenstveno izdelovali strešno opeko, vendar nikoli nisem šla pogledat kje je to. Rahlo me je presenetilo kako blizu je, ko mi je silno prijazen mladenič z ne-vem-koliko uhani in oblečen v nenavadno krojene hlače iz nedefiniranega, najbrž  indijskega materiala, razložil kako se do tja pride. Danes sva torej šla z M-jem pogledat kje te skulpture nastajajo. Do “Pogona II” IGM Toza Marković sva prišla mimo stadiona in pokopališča ter vzdolž ulice nanizanih nizkih hiš, hlevov, sadnega drevja in tu in tam kake stare mame, ki sede pred hišo opazuje dogajanje na cesti. V tem delu mesta še nikoli nisem bila. Skoraj bi zgrešila peti odcep na levo, kot naju je usmerila prijazna teta v trafiki, kjer sva kupila plastenko vode, vendar se s ceste lepo vidijo skulpture onkraj starih rešetkastih vrat, tako da vhoda skoraj ne moreš zgrešiti.  V glavni stavb

34. mednarodni simpozij skulpture, Terra 2015

Center za likovno in uporabno umetnost Terra si, ne glede na spremembe v umetnosti in družbi, vseskozi prizadeva ohraniti skulpturo kot samostojen umetniški medij, s posebnim poudarkom na primarnosti forme in konstitutivni triadi skulpture, material - masa- prostor. Terakotna skulptura nastaja v Ateljeju Terra, v nekdanji opekarni,  imenovani tudi “Pogon II” IGM Toza Marković v Kikindi, v objektu stare industrijske arhitekture, zgrajene leta 1895.  Nikola Zarić Tokratna razstava, ki je bila v Galeriji Terra v Kikindi odprta 5. julija 2016, je bila posvečena lanskemu simpoziju, v katerem je sodelovalo šest kiparjev, ki so v glini, skozi formo, kot osnovno dejstvo skulpture, izrazili svoj odnos do družbe, v kateri živijo. Tema lanskega simpozija je bil človek in njegova dezintegriranost in s tem povezano nespoštovanje človeka in njegove integritete v sodobni, kapitalistični družbi. Varnost zaposlitve in socialna varnost več nista pomembni, šteje samo še profit. Nihče več

Graffiti poetry 3 (Imperia)

Perdona non perché meritano il perdono ma perché tu meriti la pace. In un pezzo di pietra, in un attimo d respiro, in un' onda di mare sento il vento graffiare il mio viso. Do domande alle risposte che non hai. You said you'd never leave ... where are you? Imperia sveliaaaaaa! God wild life. Lately I've been collecting graffiti, if not for other reasons, to see how different they are in different cities. The violent, nasty ones are all pretty much the same, no matter where I go and I'm not much interested in those. I like to look for different ones. Like the above ones I found in Imperia. Judging by the writing, the first and the third were written by the same person. They are philosophical and almost didactic. The poetic ones, the second and the fourth were again probably written by the same person, I'd say younger than the first one. Then, there's the fifth, written in a black marker all over a glass cover of a bulletin board in Porto Maurizi

After Imperia

Imperia Once upon a time there were two towns Oneglia and Porto Maurizio, in the region of Liguria, Italy. Then in 1923 Mussolini came and joined them in to one city, Imperia. The two towns never separated to what they were before, even though the people still refer to themselves as being either form Oneglia or Porto Maurizio. Anyway, the aim of this post isn't to delve into Imperia's history but to compose a few sentences about a week we spent there. We stayed with signor Lucio at Locanda del Mar , some 50 m from the sea. It's located in Borgo Prino, about ten minutes walk from Porto Maurizio if you cut across the hill or twenty along the lungomare. Since M and I are "walking types" we loved it.  A friend asked what the beaches were like. Well, since we don't spend much time lying in the sun, beaches aren't really our top priority. However, there are sand beaches for people who like that, or the ones covered in black and white striped pebbles