Graffiti poetry 3 (Imperia)
Perdona non perché meritano il perdono ma perché tu meriti la pace.
In un pezzo di pietra, in un attimo d respiro, in un' onda di mare sento il vento graffiare il mio viso.
Do domande alle risposte che non hai.
You said you'd never leave ... where are you?
Imperia sveliaaaaaa!
God wild life.
Lately I've been collecting graffiti, if not for other reasons, to see how different they are in different cities. The violent, nasty ones are all pretty much the same, no matter where I go and I'm not much interested in those. I like to look for different ones. Like the above ones I found in Imperia. Judging by the writing, the first and the third were written by the same person. They are philosophical and almost didactic. The poetic ones, the second and the fourth were again probably written by the same person, I'd say younger than the first one. Then, there's the fifth, written in a black marker all over a glass cover of a bulletin board in Porto Maurizio. Someone is dissatisfied with life in Imperia, it seams. And there's the last one. It would perhaps belong in the "violent and nasty" category, it was written, or rather sprayed, on a small fountain close to the sea. However, there's the first word I found interesting. I don't know what it's supposed to mean. Either the first word misses an "o" or god leads a wild life. I rather like the second version.
Zadnje čase hodim okoli in zbiram grafite. Zanima me kako se razlikujejo v različnih krajih in državah. Nasilni in obsceni grafiti ne pravzaprav niti ne zanimajo. Ti so povsod enaki. Raje poiščem tiste drugačne, kot so na primer zgornji, ki sem jih pobrala z zidov v Imperiji. Sodeč po pisavi, je prvega in tretjega napisala ista oseba. Nekaj filozofskega in didaktičnega je v njima. Drugi in četrti sta bolj poetična in ju je verjetno spet napisala ista oseba. Mislim, da mlajša od prve. Peti grafit je bil napisan s črnim markerjem po steklenem pokrovu oglasne deske v Portu Mauriziu. Nekdo je očitno nezadovoljen z življenjem v Imperiji. Zadnji je malce drugačen. Najverjetneje bi sodil v kategorijo "nasilni in obsceni". Nasprejan je po malem vodnjaku ob obali. Zanimiv se mi je zdel pravzaprav samo zaradi prve besede. Lahko, da v prvi besedi manjka "o", lahko pa da bolj živi divje življenje. Druga verzija mi je bolj všeč.
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