My Sketchbook Says ...

I went to see the exhibition on Russian Avantguard in Villa Manin in Italy. I don't really know why but cubism always inspires me. In this case it was cubo-futurism, a blend of French cubism and Italian futurism, bot not only that, or so the catalogue says. I'll return to the exhibition another time.

Anyway, I kept thinking about letters in such a context. Not just written over other letters to the point of illegibility. Suddenly text became irrelevant. Only letters mattered. Their shapes and strokes that are given a sort of independence. Like words when people speak at the same time in a crowded place and all that can be heard are independent words, parts of them, syllables or just sounds. Over and over ...

Pred časom sva bila na razstavi ruske avantgarde v Vili Manin v Italiji. Kubizem me je vedno inspiriral, pravzaprav ne vem zakaj. Tokrat je bil kubo-futurizem, kombinacija francoskega kubizma in italijanskega futurizma, vendar ne samo to. vsaj katalog pravi tako. O razstavi se bom razpisala drugič.

Razmišljala sem o črkah, ne samo o plasteh besed, ampak o samih črkah. Besedilo je postalo nepomembno, moj navdih ne izhaja več iz besedila. Razmišljala sem o potezah, ki so nenadoma pridobile neko vrsto neodvisnosti. Kot glasovi ljudi, ki govorijo drug čez drugega in slišimo samo besede, zloge ali samo glasove. Drugega čez drugega ...


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