Blue Moon
There was a blue moon yesterday. A part of me was hoping I would see the moon blue, but it can't be that easy. Blue moon is just an additional full moon in a month. It is not blue in colour. I saw an orange moon a couple of times and a huge red moon hovering above the motorway near Belgrade more than twenty years ago. It was around midnight and we were stuck in a traffic jam, I don't remember why anymore. From today's point of view it sounds surreal.
I love blue. I know I keep repeating myself. But lately I discovered that not all blues are my blues. I seem to work nicely with Phtalocyanine blue and Prussian blue, however Cobalt blue somehow isn't my cup of tea. It's an old stable pigment, it looks beautiful in other people's paintings, but we don't get on.
I wanted to give it away but hope is still alive.
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Včeraj je bila modra luna. Nekako sem upala, da bo videti modra, vendar ne more biti tako preprosto. Modra luna pomeni samo, da je dodatna polna luna v mesecu. Ni pa modre barve. Nekajkrat sem že videla oranžno luno, enkrat, pred več kot dvajsetimi leti pa ogromno rdečo luno, ki je lebdela nad avtocesto pred Beogradom. Bilo je okoli polnoči, ustavili smo se v prometnem zamašku, ne spominjam se več zakaj. Z današnjega vidika se sliši nadrealistično.
Obožujem modro. Vem, ponavljam se že. Zadnje čase ugotavljam, da niso vse modre moje modre. Super delam s ftalocianin modro ali prusko modro, ne morem pa se poistovetiti s kobalt modro. Kobalt modra je star stabilen pigment, zelo lepa je na delih drugih slikarjev, vendar se ne razumeva.
Pomislila sem že, da bi jo komu šenkala, ampak upanje še živi.
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