
Prikaz objav, dodanih na november, 2015

V tvojem pogledu / In Your Eyes

Velenje is a town with huge number of sunny days per year. I don't remember the number exactly, but it did surprise me when S told me about it. After one-hour drive beginning in Ljubljana fog, we emerged in sunny Velenje. It was a cold morning. There was nobody about except a small Citroen parked not far from Gorenje. There were three styrofoam snowmen at the entrance, kitschy advent decoration. Soon a decorating team arrives. They say they had nothing to do with the snowmen, when S asks who put them there. The exhibition hall is empty, silent.  There's not much to do. Soon the paintings are hanged and they seem like they hover against the walls. There's an eight part polyptych called In Your Eyes. It is somehow mysterious, it still makes me wonder about things it hides. I decided to accompany the polyptich with four larger red paintings, totally different, even though they share similar subject matter. There's nothing mysterious about them, I'm clear with wh

The Saint Zita Society

Saint Zita is the patron saint of maids and domestic servants. Main characters of this book are servants living with their masters in Hexam Place, a posh London street. They take care of their masters, their children, cars, gardens, cleaning their houses and meeting in a local pub in their spare time.  I didn't care much for any of the characters, which doesn't mean they are badly developed. Far from it. A week after finishing a novel I still think about them. Maybe there's a concept of a servant I can't fathom, since I most certainly wouldn't make a good servant if I try to put myself in this role. There's Montserrat, a lazy au pair. Her sole job is to admit Mrs Still's lover into the house and let him out again. Later, when "the accident happens" she presses Mr Still into hiding the body against his will. There's something callous about her I just didn't like. Rabia takes care of Still's children. She's a strict Muslim,

What’s In A Name 2016

I 've never taken part in a reading challenge before. When I stumbled upon What's In a Name, I decided to give it a try. Here it goes:   The basics The challenge runs from January to December. During this time you choose a book to read from each of the following categories (examples of books you could choose are in brackets – I’ve included some from other languages, and translations most definitely count!): A country (try not to use ‘Africa’!) Suggestions: Daphne Du Maurier’s Jamaica Inn, Xiaolu Guo’s I Am China, Martin Wagner’s Deutschland) An item of clothing (Su Dharmapala’s Saree, Ann Brashare’s The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants, Javier Moro’s El Sari Rojo; Pierre Lemaitre’s Vestido De Novia) An item of furniture (Marghanita Laski’s The Victorian Chaise-Longue; C S Lewis’s The Silver Chair; Goslash;hril Gabrielsen’s The Looking-Glass Sisters) A profession (Adriana Trigiani’s The Shoemaker’s Wife; Mikhail Elizarov’s The Librarian) A month of the year (El

Insights / Vpogledi

I like college exhibitions because of diversity of exhibited paintings and sparkles in students' eyes. And the way the professor said: "We are proud of you and you should be proud of yourselves," when he spoke about the progress in the college studio. The paintings on display represent insights into school's work and more than hints to the freedom it lets us keep and the importance of a right mixture of knowledge and gut feeling. And above all the courage to follow that gut feeling, no matter how otherworldly it may seem. That's why the work of each student seems like a world of their own. If calligraphy works for you, if it provides answers to questions you keep asking yourself, so be it. Tramontana, Diablo and me Všeč so mi šolske razstave. Predvsem zaradi raznolikosti razstavljenih del in leska v očeh študentov. Tokrat mi je bila še posebej všeč izjava predavatelja, ki vodi ateljejsko delo: "Ponosni smo na vas. Tudi vi bi morali biti ponosni n


Diablo is a hot, dry offshore wind in the San Francisco Bay Area. It blows during the spring and fall.  Diablo je vroč in suh veter, ki spomladi in jeseni piha z obale v zalivu San Francisca.

Hot Wind on Canvas

A painting I did a couple of months ago was chosen for an exhibition. It would be nice to have another one he said when we spoke on the phone. So I need a hot wind to pair it with Tramontana. I come up with Levante and Diablo. I like Levante but the problem is it is warm, not hot. I need a hot wind, worthy of medium and dark cadmium reds.  Later in the day M and I are on the bypass stuck in relatively heavy traffic driving at 50 km/h. There is a huge black BMW with Russian licence plates in front of us. What do you think, I say, Levante or Diablo. Diablo, M says without thinking. The Russian takes the same exit we do. The setting sun resembles a coast of red sand and fiery orange water moving sluggishly. Tramontana, acrylic on canvas / akril na platnu, 70 × 70 cm Slika, ki sem jo pred nekaj meseci naslikala, je bila izbrana za razstavo. Dobro bi bilo imeti še eno, reče, ko se pogovarjava po telefonu. Dobro, si mislim, potem potrebujem vroč veter, nasprotje Tramontane

Insertion - Finish

I've decided on the ropes, diamonds just wouldn't work and are not particularly interesting. I've never done ropes before. Ordinary hemp rope. At first I was a bit overawed by the work I recieved. Like being affraid of doing anything, of ruining it. However, I kept repeating "do whatever your gut feeling tels you to do" over and over in my head. By the time I went to it with acrylics, I was completely cool with it. Then I sat in front of the painting for a wile, letting it scream at me with yellows, oranges and reds. What now? Whatever I wanted to do wouldn't work now, because the shape of letter formation was slightly different. Than I remembered what fascinates me in unexpected and quirky stories I liked to read since forever. Just take a perfectly normal part of a painting and rearange it the "wrong" way. Insert it the wrong way. Rombe sem uporabila že velikokrat in se mi ne zdijo več pretirano zanimivi. Navadna špaga se mi je