V tvojem pogledu / In Your Eyes

Velenje is a town with huge number of sunny days per year. I don't remember the number exactly, but it did surprise me when S told me about it. After one-hour drive beginning in Ljubljana fog, we emerged in sunny Velenje. It was a cold morning. There was nobody about except a small Citroen parked not far from Gorenje. There were three styrofoam snowmen at the entrance, kitschy advent decoration. Soon a decorating team arrives. They say they had nothing to do with the snowmen, when S asks who put them there.

The exhibition hall is empty, silent. There's not much to do. Soon the paintings are hanged and they seem like they hover against the walls. There's an eight part polyptych called In Your Eyes. It is somehow mysterious, it still makes me wonder about things it hides. I decided to accompany the polyptich with four larger red paintings, totally different, even though they share similar subject matter. There's nothing mysterious about them, I'm clear with what they are. That's why I decided to call them In My Eyes. This is my favourite exhibition so far, the reason may be that the polyptych is my master's degree project at Arthouse School of Visual Arts.

The exhibition will be held at Gorenje exhibition centre in Velenje, from 30 November 2015 to 6 January 2016.

Baje, da ima Velenje ogromno sončnih dni na leto. Pretekla sobota ni bila izjema. Iz ljubljanske megle sva po eni uri vožnje prispela v velenjsko sonce, no, sonce se je pojavilo že prej pa se ne spominjam točno kdaj. 

Mrzlo je bilo. Parkirišče pred Gorenjem je bilo prazno, če ne štejemo malega srebrnega citroena. Ali pa je bil bel ... Pred vrati v razstavišče stojijo trije snežaki iz stiropora, taki kiči primerki za adventni čas. Notri ni nikogar, tišina. Nismo imeli veliko dela. Z M-jem sva se že navadila, na kaj vse je treba paziti in kaj vse vzeti s seboj, ko se lotiš postavljanja razstave. Po krajšem prestavljanju slik se hitro dogovorimo kje bo katera visela in kako si bodo sledile. Obešenje je samo še rutina. Tako zračno lebdijo slike ob stenah. Modro zelen poliptih, ki je še vedno rahlo skrivnosten, sili k razmišljanju. Tega imenujem V tvojem pogledu. Družbo mu delajo štiri rdeče slike, samostojne in večje. Te so bistveno bolj oprijemljive, v njih mi je vse jasno, ni nobene mistike v njih, zato jih imenujem V mojem pogledu. 

Razstava bo na ogled v Razstavišču Gorenje v Velenju, od 30. 11. 2015 do 6. 1. 2016. Razstavišče lahko obiščete od ponedeljka do petka, od 8. do 17. ure. Klasične otvoritve ne bo, se pa 4. 1. 2016 ob 15. uri obeta srečanje z umetnico ali - z mojega gledišča - srečanje z obiskovalci. Podrobnosti sledijo, ko bo čas zanje.


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