Silverly the Spring Comes

There's a chocolate shop in Dortmund, Pott au Chocolat, we went to a couple of years ago when we were visiting friends. They've got all sorts of chocolates and pralines, so we decided to buy some to take them to work when we return. Well, in the end we decided against it and ate the chocolates ourselves. I still remember them being very very good. What got me thinking about these chocolates was a painting hanging in the shop. It was a big canvass in landscape format. The colours the artist used were light pink, beige and brown. It looked like a sort of sweet praline filling, loosely mixed, milk chocolate with vanilla and a hint of rose water. There were chunks of something in the paint, which could easily be almonds in a praline. 

I noticed the painting mainly because I painted a series of five paintings in similar colours at the time. The overlapping letters are a poem nobody can read, not even myself, once I painted the letters. But I know it's there. There's the same text on all paintings, a poem by Srečko Kosovel. Loosely translated it would read something like: Silverly the spring comes. Blue silken flags hang over black suburbs ... Glass domes of mists have cracked. There's no snow left on the black fields. And so on, I'm not going to abuse the poem with my translation, since it's one of my favourites. 

One of the winter ideas hiding in my notebook is a sort of ressurrection of these five paintings. They are small, only 40 × 50 cm, and I thought painting a couple of larger ones would close the series. It's just an idea, something I wrote about in my notebook and I do that a lot. A lot of things written there might not be painted, or not just yet anyway. But ... there's always a but lurking around the corner, isn't there ... I bought a perfume called Tea Rose with gold lettering on a pinkish box and a beautiful pinkish smell. It's a colour similar to the one I used in my paintings. It feels like my hint of rose water in a praline.  


Pott au Chocolat je čokoladnica v Dortmundu, kjer prodajajo nejrazličnejše čokolade in pralineje z ni da ni dodatki. Ko sva bila na obisku pri prijateljih, sva tam kupila pralineje za v službo. Potem sva si premislila in jih pojedla sama. Bili so zelo zelo dobri. Na pralineje sem se pravzaprav spomnila zaradi slike, ki je visela v trgovini, velikega platna v ležečem formatu. Umetnik je uporabil svetle barve, rožnato, bež in rjavo. Slika me je spominjala na narahlo zmešano sladko polnilo pralineja, iz mlečne čokolade, vanilije in kapljice rožne vode. V barvi so bili koščki nečesa, kar bi čisto lahko bili mandlji v polnilu.

Sliko sem opazila zato, ker sem v tistem času naslikala serijo petih slik v podobnih barvah. Prekrivajoče se črke so pesem, ki je nihče ne more prebrati, niti jaz ne več. Vendar vem, da je tam. Na vseh slikah je isto besedilo, pesem Srečka Kosovela, ena mojih najljubših, ki gre tako: Srebrno prihaja pomlad. Nad črnim predmestjem prapori sinji, svileni ... Razbili so se stekleni oboki megla. Na črnih poljih ni več snega. In tako naprej.

Ena od zimskih idej, ki jih skrivam v zvezku je neke vrste ponovna uporaba teh petih slik. To so majhne slike, v formatu 40 × 50 cm. Če bi naslikala še nekaj večjih, bi lahko zaključila serijo. Sicer pa je to samo ideja, samo nekaj, kar sem zapisala v zvezek, kot toliko drugih idej in še ne pomeni, da bo uresničena. Vsaj ne takoj. Ampak ... vedno za vogalom ždi ampak ... Pred kratkim sem kupila parfum, Tea Rose se imenuje. Spakiran je v rozkasto škatlico z zlatimi črkami in zelo lepo rozkasto diši. Barva je podobna tisti, ki sem jo uporabila v slikah. Občutek imam, kot da bi to lahko bila moja kapljica rožne vode v pralineju.


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Vincent van Gogh, Med žitom in nebom

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