Automeris Io

Io moth lives in north America. You can see her in the first hours of the night. The span of her wings reaches 88 mm. It's predominantly red and red is a proprietorial, territorial colour. It's not something you can immerse yourself into, like blue. Red works in opposite way. It enters a person through their eyes, claims them, stays inside and causes all sorts of weird things to happen. It usually comes in the summer or late spring, when I start wearing red sneakers, red lipstick and nail polish. All of a sudden I find myself reading books with orange, red and crimson covers. Io drives Erebus and his blue void away, leaving me with layer after layer after layer of red, impenetrable in it's translucent illusion. Red is all about blood, passion, strong feelings, revolution and anger. According to Derek Jarman, painters should use red a spice. But do we?


Vešča Io živi v severni Ameriki. Največkrat jo lahko vidimo v prvih urah noči. Ni posebno velika, majhna tudi ni, čez krila lahko meri tudi do 88 mm. Večinoma je rdeča, rdeča pa je posestniška, teritorialna barva. Ne moremo se potopiti vanjo, kot se lahko v modro. Rdeča deluje drugače. Vstopi v človeka skozi oči, prisvoji si ga, ostane v njem. Po navadi pride poleti ali v pozni pomladi, ko začnem nositi rdeče allstarke, rdečo šminko in lak za nohte. Nenadoma se zalotim, da berem knjige z oranžnimi, rdečimi in bordo platnicami. Io prežene Erebusa in njegovo hladno modrino, da ostanem sama s plastmi rdeče, nepredirne v svojih prosojni iluziji. Rdeča je barva krvi, strasti, močnih čustev, revolucije in jeze. Derek Jarman svetuje umetnikom naj jo uporabljajo kot začimbo. Jo res?


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