How Far Can I Go?
Last year I started to experiment with a single subject and a limited palette. I wanted to see how far I can go. How many paintings I can paint before my imagination runs out or I get fed up. So far I keep painting. Although the task is repetitive, since I keep drawing the same knot of letters and using the same orange and blue colours, there's something different in each painting. People I show them to seem to be a bit confused. Not by what they are seeing, I think they got used to it by now, but by the seemingly obscure reason behind it. Why would I want to paint the same thing over and over again? It's similar to mountain climbing. Why do people climb the same rocks? Because they aren't the same. * Lansko leto sem razmišljala o tem kako daleč lahko grem z istim motivom. Ne podobnim, ampak točno tem. Narisala sem ga na navaden papir, ki sem ga na hrbtni strani pobarvala z grafitnim svinčnikom, sedaj pa ga prenašam na akvarelni papir. Vedno enako, z istimi