Life Is Too Short, Buy The Damn Book

I have ... a thing ... with Gustav. I don't know what it is and I don't particularly care to find out. It started years ago with a small address book with Fulfilment on its cover. I was a teenager staring at a couple embracing on the background of golden vines. The woman almost disapeared in the man's arms. Fifteen years ago in Belvedere in Vienna, I stood in front of his Kiss for quite a long time, just watching, not thinking about anything. And the same with Adele Bloch Bauer, before she moved to America and Judith with her don't-mess-with-me stare. Klimt's paintings inspire me although there is nothing Klimt-like in my paintings, except an occasional gold leaf in illuminated initials, bet that's another territory. There was a period of time Gustav appeared everywhere. In almost every book I read, the author at least mentioned him if not discussed his life and / or work: The Lady in Gold, The Painted Kiss, The Age of Insight, The Hare with Amber Eyes, to name a few. Sometimes I thought I glimpsed him in the twilight, hiding behind my easel, grinning at me.

I've been flirting with this book for over a year. Not anymore. In ten days it's moving into our apartment. It's big and in's heavy and it's mine!

Tobias G. Natter, Gustav Klimt, The Complete Paintings, source/vir

Nekaj ... čudnega ... imam z Gustavom, ne vem kaj in me pretirano ne zanima. Začelo se je pred davnimi leti, z malim adresarjem, ki sem ga dobila za ne vem več kateri praznik. Na platnicah je bila slika, ki prikazuje par v objemu, ženska izginja v rokah moškega, ki se sklanja nadnjo. Izpolnitev. Pred skoraj petnajstimi leti sem v dunajskem Belvederju dolgo časa stala pred njegovim Poljubom in mislila na nič. Samo gledala sem. Enako Adele Bloch Bauer, preden se je preselila v Ameriko in Judito, z ne-me-zafrkavat pogledom v očeh. V Klimtovih slikah vedno najdem navdih, čeprav ni ničesar klimtovsega v mojh slikah. No, razen tu in tam zlatega lističa v iluminiranih inicialkah, vendar je to že druga zgodba. V nekem obdobju se mi je zdelo, da ga vidim povsod, v vsaki knjigi, ki sem jo prebrala, zdelo se mi je celo, da se mi reži iz somraka za štafelajem.

S to knjigo se spogledujem že več kot eno leto. Nič več. Čez približno deset dni se bo priselila v najino stanovanje. Velika je in težka in moja!

Gustav Klimt, Fulfilment, detail from Stocklet Frieze / Izpolnitev, detajl s Stocklet friza, source/vir


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