The Lettered Moth of Fear

It's interesting how I slip into monochrome, the moment I start using letters. Most of my moths are predominantly green, however I managed to include some red, yellow, brown and quinacridone gold. These letters are mostly green. There's a wisp of yellow at the bottom, but was covered with green while the water kept flowing down the paper. It seems that for me, letters without being the part of words, are the most abstract entities I can imagine. Or perhaps there's fear in that abstraction. Letters shouldn't be without meaning, they were invented to carry speech, words, meaning. Stripping them of all that, scares me. The more I abstract things, the more my palette shrinks, the more I slide down the monochrome line towards the void, silence, darkness, cold and oblivion.


Zanimivo kako zdrsnem v monokrom v trenutku, ko začnem pisati črke. Večina mojih nočnih metuljev je resda pretežno zelenih, vendar sem uspela dodati nekaj rdeče, rjave, rumene in zlate, ki to v resnici ni. Te črke so večinoma zelene. Nekaj rumene se dotakne spodnjega dela, vendar se je ne vidi več, po vsej zeleni, ki je tekla vzdolž papirja. Zdi se, da so zame črke, ki niso del besede, najbolj abstraktne stvari, ki si jih lahko predstavljam. Morda pa je celo strah v tem abstrahiranju. Črke ne bi smele biti brez pomena, njihova funkcija je v tem, da prenašajo govor, besede, pomen. Nekaj strašljivega je v tem, da jih oropam pomena. Bolj ko abstrahiram stvari, bolj si krčim paleto, bolj drsim k monokromu proti praznini, tišini, temi, mrazu in pozabljenju.


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

Ne daj se, dušo

Gotske refleksije

Fuzija stekla