In Blue

And so I fell in love with a colour - in this case, the colour blue - as if falling under a spell, a spell I fought to stay under and get out from under, in turns.

Maggie Nelson, Bluets

Ever since I can remember I had a peculiar affinity for the colour blue. I say peculiar because some people tried to dissuade me from it, saying I looked pale if I wore blue and that blue is a boy's colour. The first statement can be true but it doesn't bother me, the second one is nonsense. There's no such thing as a boy's or a girl's colour. 

On my last exhibition the majority of people wore blue police uniforms. One of them approached me saying the chief wanted to speak to me. I found him in front of a row of blue paintings." Why blue," he asked. I explained about blue, borrowing from Kandinsky and Klein and even from myself. Then I stopped and concluded with a simple "Because blue is my colour." "It's ours too," he said with a smile. But I guess the reasons are different.


Odkar pomnim, sem po svoje navezana na modro barvo. Nekateri ljudje so me skušali odvrniti od tega, češ da sem videti bleda, če nosim modro ali pa da je modra moška barva. Prvo je morda celo res, vendar me ne moti, medtem, ko je druga trditev kratko malo nesmiselna. Ni moških in ženskih barv. 

Na moji zadnji razstavi je bila večina obiskovalcev oblečena v modre policijske uniforme. Eden izmed njih je pristopil k meni, da bi mi povedal, da želi šef govoriti z menoj. Našla sem ga pred vrsto modrih slik. "Zakaj modra," je vprašal. Razgovorila sem se o modri, malo sem si izposodila pri Kandinskem, malo pri Kleinu, malo pa celo pri sami sebi. Potem sem nehala in zaključila s preprosto trditvijo: "Zato, ker je modra moja barva." "Tudi naša je," je rekel z nasmehom. Res je, vendar se mi zdi, da so razlogi za to nekoliko drugačni.



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